brice jeannin












Sans titre (2004)

Found-Poem for Radio - 30'

This piece uses a promotionnal CD containing sound effects samples for radio or TV sound engineers. There are about seventy short tracks, with long silences between sounds to ease the edition process. All sounds here are designed to express as much as possible what they are supposed to recall (rain, fireworks, guns, comics, etc...). They are recorded, cleaned, compressed, isolated and classified. They are fonctionnal tools, they create meaning on demand and we can insert them in a narrative thread where they highlight particular actions or situations. Despite these qualities, they are highly dependant upon the context in which they are inserted. They are not conceived to be listened as is, except for the engineer who has access to the medium where they are stocked.

Radiophonic space is the sum of places where the station is listened to, it's a multitude of echoing rooms, mixing their own sounds with the radio programs. In those programs we can hear "sound effects" constantly, they are tools for the development of a sonic continuum, where no silence is allowed. Broadcasting the samples directly from the CD in the radio space, including pauses between sounds and absence of intention in their succession is a different way to use this medium, with the same tools.

The stocked sounds are usally not located somewhere, they only exist in a kind of insubstantial digital drawer, separated from their spatial and time context, waiting for their future use and floating between silent gaps.

Released on radio these sonic ectoplasms are searching for places, instants, they meet other sounds and images, and then talk or stay quiet.

Broadcasted on Radio Bip FM in november 2004 for CRAPS.